Obama’s Victory – Twitter and Facebook set the New Records of Tweets and Likes

After getting historical victory in U.S Presidential elections, the Barak Obama celebrated his victory by setting the status as “four more years”.

This message on Facebook and the Twitter got the warm response from the general public and gathered hundreds of thousands of likes, shares and retweets in short time period.

After his victory, Obama made three tweets immediately after the victory. One out of these three tweets got the retweet status and in very short time period it has 267,410 retweets.

As far as the status on the Facebook is concerned, “four more years” got more than 857,000 likes and more than 120,000 shares just after half an hour of its posting.

This status on Facebook got one million likes within 53 minutes after being it was posted on the Facebook.

The U.S is celebrating his victory and the general public is continuously and increasingly making comments and showing their concerns by liking or retweeting the status as uploaded by Obama with the help of leading social media sites.

According to the some leading analysts of the market, the use of the social media sites has made the general public more responsive as they are showing their feelings and expressions with the help of liking or commenting on the updated status within very short time period. They are also of the opinion that if the same speed continues, then this status might set new records of likes and sharing and retweeting.

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